Archive for Teen Titans

The new 52: Teen Titans to Legion of Super-Heroes.

Posted in Editorial with tags , , , , , , , on August 30, 2011 by brightestday

We’re on the final stretch of the new 52 books and it’s time to look at titles coming under the “Young Justice” banner. I’m glad to see that even in the compacted timeframe of the new DCU that there’s still a place for teenage heroes. But are they still the guys we’re familiar with or have they suffered the same fate as Superman? Onward!

Teen Titans
On the surface, the flagship title of the Young Justice line seems to follow a similar template to it’s earlier incarnation: there’s a Robin. Wonder-girl, Superboy and Kid-Flash. But on a closer look, Wonder Girl is essentially a brand new character; this time a nasty tempered thief. Superboy is also the more alien clone from the rebooted Superman titles. Even Tim Drake isn’t quite the character we remember, and as Red Robin he now flies alongside those with super-powers with a much more bird-like cape. Essentially these are brand new characters and I suppose it’s fitting that they’re joined by a few mysterious new characters, including a creepy looking insectoid girl called Bugg. Despite the hokey sounding  “tortured teen heroes” angle DC are pitching with this reimagined book, when it’s on its game Teen Titans has been one of DC’s best books. I don’t doubt they can do the same again, but it’s fair to say I’ll miss the kids I used to know.

Static Shock
I’m not that familiar with this character but I’ve always had some respect for the fact that he seemed to get along just fine without me. What I would like to see is him leaving behind his cartoon origins and there being more of an attempt to fit him in alongside the rest of the DCU. Moving him from Dakota to New York City is certainly a good start, but in the artwork I’ve seen it’s still the same cartoony style that puts me right off as a reader. If they can take more chances and make more of an effort at integration, this guy will hold more appeal. I’ll wait and see.

Hawk and Dove
It’s always been hard to see these characters as anything more than DC’s own version of Cloak and Dagger: a good natured young girl partnered with a dark, violent guy. Can it be anything more than that? Well, Brightest Day didn’t really do much to convince us otherwise and I suppose it’s a case of whether you want to give them another chance as they try to stop a new civil war in the US . Personally it’s not grabbing me and Rob Liefeld on the art chores is the decider.

Blue Beetle
Blue Beetle is a great little character, but even though I like the guy I never once picked up his solo book and I wonder how many more comic fans did the same. As best as I can tell, Jaime is pretty much unchanged in the new 52, so this is another chance to see how a teenage boy fares bonded to powerful alien armour created for destruction. Can he turn a deadly weapon into force for good? I’m glad to see such a positive and likeable character making it through the reboot and I think I owe him a chance this time. I’ll be picking this one up.

Legion Lost
This was a terrific mini-series a decade or so ago, trapping a core team of Legion characters in an entirely new universe. Free from the sometimes overwhelming Legion of Super-heroes continuity, they were finally accessible and we got to know some great characters and what really made them who they are. This new series seems to take what made that work and this time traps a new team on modern day Earth, trying to prevent a devastating terrorist attack. What makes it sound interesting is that Fabian Nicieza recognises that these guys are teenagers, and they’ll be written as teenagers. They mean well, but they get things wrong and sometimes they plain don’t know what they’re doing. Of the two new Legion titles, this one sounds like the one to pick up.

Legion of Super-Heroes
Countless reboots and and a huge amount of back-history have always made trying to get into the Legion quite a difficult task. An entire army of teenagers in the far future inspired by Superman’s exploits to fight for justice is a decent concept and there have been some great stories, particularly in the last ten years or so, but it’s hard to know where to start with them. This new book in some ways is intended as (another) fresh start for new readers, but how many has that been now and how long before DC reboots them yet again? It’s going to take a lot of convincing to shift the feeling that we shouldn’t get attached to them. With the other Legion title having a clearer connection to the DCU and a more accessible concept, this main book can’t help but feel less than essential.
And with that last book, that’s it for the new 52! What will you be picking up?