Archive for Rob Liefeld

Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the comic shop…

Posted in Editorial with tags , , , , , , on January 15, 2012 by brightestday

On the back of the recent news that Rob Liefeld’s divisive Hawk and Dove was cancelled, DC were quick to reassurance fans of the bonkers ’90s pocket fetishist that he would still be working with DC on three, yes three, titles.

April will see Leifeld taking over plotting duties on Savage Hawkman, Grifter, and Deathstroke. Fans of Slade Wilson, small feet and distended spines, can sleep easy knowing that he’ll also be working on the pencils.

It’s a slightly baffling move by DC that suggests there may be more of a contractual element to it. I can understand them removing under-performing titles, but moving a writer from a title that isn’t cutting it and letting him take over three books seems like masochism.

What does Liefeld have in store for the books?

Hawkman will be moving into the intergalactic gladiator arena. Deathstroke will be going up against Lobo. And Grifter will be introducing another Wildstorm character (Deathblow) into the New 52 universe. DC’s official blog, The Source, has longer descriptions but it’s all very ’90s and we’ve seen it all before.

Savage Hawkman has been on this fans pull list since the relaunch, but come April it’s unlikely to stay there.

(Original story from The Source).