Bullet Points: Predators #1-3, Avengers #2, Astonishing X-Men: Xenogenesis #1-2

PredatorsPredators #1-3

One of the most anticipated fanboy movies of the year is fast approaching and like nefarious crack dealers Dark Horse is eager to cash in on anyone not willing to wait with this official prequel. Right off the bat, let’s just say that Predators looks fantastic, but is this any good? It’s pretty lightweight stuff all in all and clearly doesn’t want to spoil too much. Two characters we’ll see in the movie are introduced, the concept is firmly established, and there’s a back up about the (assumed) lead bad-ass, Drake (Adrien Brody). It’s fun but necessarily very restrained. Only a few weeks now til Predators hits: maybe best to hold out til the movie and come back to this. 3/5

Avengers #2Avengers #2

The stink of the last few years has finally lifted in the Heroic Age and after a seemingly endless depressing run of misery, Avengers is back on track. It’s action-packed, has a cool story involving the future Avengers from the Next Avengers animated movie, and it’s a joy to read. Time itself is broken and all kinds of comics craziness is going on. This is why you read superhero comics, kids. What was stopping Marvel doing this years ago is a mystery but take advantage of it while you can! 5/5

X-Men XenogenesisAstonishing X-Men Xenogenesis #1-2

The most noteworthy thing about Warren Ellis’ new X-Men miniseries isn’t the plot about newly born mutants in Africa post House of M, but the frankly bizarre and excessively sexualised artwork. Every single panel involving Emma Frost is completely overshadowed by ridiculous tit shots with them thundering into frame or shoving themselves over other characters. You’ve never seen anything like it! It quickly becomes hilarious and totally distracts from the otherwise decent plot. Is it supposed to be funny? Probably, but why go for that? It makes for an odd mix, but if you can take your X-Men as a vaguely sleazy exploitation feature then knock yourself out! 3/5

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